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Course Themes

Add colour and spice to your courses with a few clicks of the mouse. Almost anything is possible!

Written by Glenn Morrow
Updated over a year ago

A little while ago we introduced icons for our course steps that you could select if you wished - for internal use and/or for displaying on your student courses.

Now we have added the next stage up from that which incorporates icons but also adds colour and font settings to your course pages. Sure, previously you could edit every page and library item to add font changes and colours and things - but that's a lot of work to set up and even harder to maintain - and a nightmare if you want to change it!

With themes you apply the whole theme to your course (in almost just one click), and can remove it or change it just as easily. And you can set one theme for all your courses, or custom set a different theme for each and every course, or, (more likely!) set the default theme for most courses and add a custom theme to just a few course (that might be a bit easier, but it is totally up to you).

Go mild - or go wild! The same course content, different themes applied:

While "Themes" are quite simple - and once you've used them a little you'll be flying around and changing things in no time - there are quite a few parts to them all! The documentation linked at the top of this page will help but feel free to reach out to us with any questions, or check out our new "How to create an Enlight Course" course coming soon. We hope to later have a video version of the instructions too, which may help.

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