Filtering Options:
There are lots of filtering options for you now!
Activated and Un-Activated students.
This is to help you manage students who've been enrolled by you but who have not logged on and started yet ("un-activated") vs students whom have logged on and started ("activated").
To see all students - tick both "Activated and "Un-Activated" selections
Progress filters:
You can choose to view the status of the various student course steps. with or without a summary, and with or without a progress bar. Mix and match the options to suit your needs best.
OR untick all three options to hide the column totally!
For example ...
or ...
or ....
You can also sort on the progress status - see who is almost completed their course (or who is the slowest) etc. View Managing Student Enrollments - Progress sorting for details. 😀
Other column filters:
You can also choose to hide or show the "Date" (see below), "Status", and "Communications" columns.
Regulars filters:
These are the main filters we've always had.
Instructors: For more information on the "Instructor" filter see: Instructor filtering options
Status: The "Status" filter allows you to select "Active" (the default), "Completed", "Expired, "Expelled", or "All" type enrollments
Student groups: If you are using student groups the "Groups: filer lets you select a group
Student or course search: The search box allows you to enter a student or course name or partial name and Enlight will search for applicable enrollments for you
Date filters:
Saving option settings: