You can now sort on the progress status - well, "steps to be done" or "steps completed" to be precise. This is very handy to list your "closest to completion" students (or to see who's really dragging behind.
It sorts by the "Steps remaining" value.
This means it does not sort of the "% complete" but on the steps left to do. You might therefore notice when you sort by progress the "% complete" figures in the progress bar not in perfect order ... this is totally to be expected and is what you want - sorting by % is interesting perhaps but sorting by number of steps done is much more useful. 😀
To sort:
Simply click on the "Progress" header to sort by progress.
A little up/down arrow will then appear to show your the order (ascending or descending) it has sorted in - to sort the other way just click on the heading again
Note this will over ride any other sort you have previously selected - obviously)
Note also that there is a maximum number of records that can be sorted.
If your filter selection is too broad and so you have too many records being displayed then the "Progress" header will not let you click on it to sort.
Simply increase your filtering (maybe use the dates filters - see Managing Student Enrollments - Date filtering) to reduce the numbers and then you can sort on those.
You can see the maximum records sortable by the message when you hover the mouse over the info icon.