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Prevent or allow students to edit their names and email addresses

By default students can update their name or email address at any time .. but you may not want them to be able to do this.

Written by Glenn Morrow
Updated over a year ago

Changing the settings:

Allowing students to change their name and email address sounds like a good thing ... but it can make student management hard for you. Their name and email address are fields you may strongly use to identify a student - and it they change it can cause all sorts of various confusions.

You now have the option to disable that for your students.

By default the settings are turned on, but to turn them off simply:

  • Go to "ACCOUNT" > "+ Organisation" > "Miscellaneous"

  • Untick the two options (or only one if you wish)

  • Select "Save"

Students view:

Here is what it looks like to a student (when they go to "Edit Profile") when the settings are disabled. The student will be able to see the fields but they cannot edit the disabled ones.

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