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How do I log into my User Account?

How do I log in to my enlight account?

Colin Davie avatar
Written by Colin Davie
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to log into enlight. 

  1. As a user. Such as the account owner, a manager, website designer, instructor or translator.

  2. As a student. 

When first using enlight, both Users and Students receive email invitations to log into their accounts. Simply click the invitation button and you will be taken to the log in page, with your username. Here you set a password and get logged in. 

Note: If you have a user log in and a student log in, ensure you use the right log in and password to your different accounts. 

For example, one would use these log in details: 

Note: you would replace the bold type with your own company or account name.

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