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How do I add Theory Steps to a Course?

How to add steps to your checksheet - Part I - Learn

Mikel Lindsaar avatar
Written by Mikel Lindsaar
Updated over 3 years ago

A Step is one item on a checksheet. 

There are 4 different types of steps:

  1. Learn

  2. Apply

  3. Review

  4. Control

This article explains how to use "Learn". 

  1. From within your checksheet, click "add new step". Four boxes will drop down: "Learn", "Apply", "Review" and "Control".

2. Click "Learn". These steps are all about teaching the student something. Here you can write a document, have them download a file, watch a video, read a PDF, link to an external website or listen to an audio file. When you create a new step type the system then creates a library item for that step type that you can use in multiple courses. You can also upload existing library files to your checksheet.

  • Existing Learn Step: You can choose a learn step that you have created in another checksheet. 

  • Existing Reference: Lets you use a previously created Library Item that you have available in your library.

  • Reference Document: Create a document within the Enlight platform that the student needs to read / study to continue. The document allows you to embed images, link to websites and even embed a link to a video or other file if you like. You can format the document however you wish.

  • Reference File: Upload a file that the student needs to download at this point. This can be any file type for the student. This is usually used for the student to use the file or make changes to it (like a spreadsheet) that is then uploaded in an "Upload File" step from the Apply step types (explained below).

  • Reference Website: Specify a website you would like the student to visit. When you specify the website, the system will automatically try and take a screen shot of the website for the student to see when they visit this step.

  • Reference PDF: Upload a PDF for the student to be able to read and download. This is a standard PDF and is displayed in the browser for the student to read.

  • Reference Uploaded Video: Upload a video into Enlight. This can also have timecoded subtitles which are shown to the student as they proceed through the video. 

  • Reference Embedded Video: Embed a video into Enlight from Wistia, Vimeo or YouTube.  Note: subtitles are not supported for embedded videos, this must be done through the video hoster or for videos directly uploaded to Enlight. 

  • Reference Audio: Upload an audio file for the student to listen to. This can also have a transcript which is shown to the student as they proceed through the audio file. 

3. Click the reference type you want to create and fill out the required information.
4. Click "create reference" at the bottom to save. 

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