By default final section steps need to be done by the student. However in some cases you may wish to over ride this.
The main reason you would likely wish to do this in that you want a final checkpoint on your course to allow an instructor to mark final submissions before course completion is awarded. But at the same time some students may already consider their course finished and not come back to clear the final checkpoint once marking done. In this case, if override is turned on, then you can still progress the student's course to completion once all steps are marked as passed.
See "ACCOUNT" > "Organisation" > "Miscellaneous", and look for the two options:
"Final Checkpoint Mandatory"
"Final Checkpoint Instructor Response Override
If ""Final Checkpoint Mandatory" is turned off then instructors will see a counter against the final step checkpoint of how many non-final-section steps remain to be passed.
Once this reaches zero a red "*" indicates this step pass status can be overridden by the instructor if wished.
Do so by "marking" the step in the same way as you mark any other step.
Note: You may wish to overtype the message given to the student as the default one may not apply here. If you are constantly overtyping such you can use the second setting under "Organisation" > "Miscellaneous" to set a new default. For new courses you can also specific a default answer just for the final checkpoint seep, if that helps.