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Searching Your Student Library Content

Allow your students to search your content

Mikel Lindsaar avatar
Written by Mikel Lindsaar
Updated over 3 years ago

Enlight gives you the option to provide your students with a completely searchable student library.

This library is made up of Library Items that you specifically include as a student library item. These can include any library item type from documents, PDFs, files etc.

This is done by checking the "Include this in the student library?" checkbox when editing a library item and then clicking Save.

When this is checked, it will be indexed to be included in the student's "Library" tab on their dashboard.

However, enlight also allows you to decide which students can see each library item through the Library Item permissions section which is at the bottom of the edit library item page which looks like this:

The permissions are as follows:

  • Enrolled Students - this library item will only appear in the library for any student that is enrolled in a course that includes this library item within the course.

  • Students with Paid Membership - this library item will only appear in the library for any student who has a paid monthly membership, or has this library item included in a course they are enrolled on.

  • All Students - this library item will appear in the library of any student who is enrolled on any course.

  • Public - this library item will appear in the library of any student, even if they are not enrolled on a course.

Once you change the permission on an item, it will immediately update in those student's library next time they log in.

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