How to Review Student Answers

Where can I find student answers?

Colin Davie avatar
Written by Colin Davie
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes you may need to review student answers on a course and they've already been marked and therefore do not show up under "to be marked".

Maybe a student is moving slowly and you want to find out why.

Or you need to survey student answers to gauge the success of a course.

Here is how you can review their answers and progress:

  1. Go to "students" on the side bar.

  2. Find the student you want to review and click "show"

3. At the bottom you will see the courses they have enrolled on. Click "steps"

4. You'll see the checksheet items on the left and the steps with the student's answers on the right.

5. Click on the checksheet items to view what the student did on each step. You will be able to see how long the student spent on each step, whether they got it right, plus any instructor answers.

To generate an excel report on student progress, see article: Reports.

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